Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Chilling Systems In Tamilnadu

Ann Wigmore says that "The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison". For that we need safest food processing plants. We Chethan Engineering Services dedicate ourselves in rendering best quality food processing.

Industrial Refrigeration Plant

Industrial cooling or chilling plants are essential thing for the maintenance of food and dairy products. 


It is used to spray water into steam then water get mixed with steam resulting in reduction in the temperature of the outlet steam. 

Glycol Chilling Systems For Brewery

 Glycol chiller systems commonly used for the craft brewing and small-scale winery industries.

Ice Bank Tank System

Ice bank tank system are mainly used for refrigerating in dairies The milk processing area need cooling and  cold water. 

Supply Of Ice Bank Tank System

These  are necessary in dairies, water/brine chilling plants and cold stores. It is more necessary to meet the various needs of our clients.

visit us  foodengineering.in

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mail us enggchethan@gmail.com